Archive for November, 2007|Monthly archive page

Of Women’s Lib – Abu Fazl Degrades Marriage in Islam


[T]he introduction of monogamy was the mark of the woman’s defeat. Since then, her position has not ceased to deteriorate, though perhaps capitalism, carrying the mankind to a qualitatively higher stage of development, pulled her from the utter degradation to which feudalism had reduced her. …………………………………….(Abu Fazl)


Source: DAWN, March 3, 2001




This piece is a women’s lib specific hitting at the roots of Islam by way of relating it with feudalism. Women’s liberation is a secular theme and is deftly used by the secularists (irreligious, atheists etc.) to undermine moral values.


·         According to the writer, monogamy (Islam’s matrimonial institution) is a bad kind of matrimonial arrangement because it does not allow women to enter into toher kinds of relationship with both men and women.


·         Capitalist [which quite incidentally has reduced women to sex objects and allowed freedom to have pre and post marital sex] is relatively good for women!


Needless to say such themes are frequently used to undermine the constitution and the moral values it enshrines.