Archive for the ‘The NEWS International’ Category

Muneeza Ahsan of the News’ “Us” recommends Sex Toys for Young Girls!!!



What does the write-up aims to achieve?


·         By captioning it as confidential, the News wants to make it sure that it is read. Confidential means not to be disclosed. The intention here is to invite attention and make everybody read it.


·         This magazine is for teenagers. Letters are presumably fictitious and the answers are contrived to encourage immorality.


·         The style is serpentine. Oh, it is not “socially acceptable.”  But you can get artificial sex organs (vibrators etc.) at ‘pricey shops.’

Religion does not come into it [even if it does, throw it away!]. So go ahead and do it.


·         “It is just a matter of when you can actually use it.”


Muzeeza Ahsan, the editor of the esteemed “Us”, surely recommends the ruptured barrier and now invites young teenage girls to engage in such heinous acts by suggesting sex toys (vibrators etc.)

Zafar Khan of the News Wants Kashmir “Not” to be a Part of Pakistan


This is yet another favorite theme of the News to deny Kashmir to Pakistan by promoting the idea of an independent Kashmir. The secularists do not want to see Kashmiri Muslims to join their brothers in Pakistan and give strength to each other. The idea of a Muslim people is repugnant to secular thoughts.

Dr. Mansur Ejaz of the News Defaces Pakistan’s Military By Calling Military Sacrifices “Fictitious Rhetoric”


This is a classic example of the News’ anti-Pakistan tirade:


·         Pakistan is a repressive nation [in what sense? What rights it has withheld. Pakistan’s problem is that it tolerates sedition disguised as the freedom of press. For example, the News allows such garbage against Pakistan and the armed forces, while its publisher and the editor are still sage. So much for freedom!]


·         It has no right to ask the world to honor its pledge to the Kashmiris’ right of self determination. [translated Kashmir must not accede to Pakistan]


·         Armed forces are a sham


·         State ideology is compensation to the fundamentalist support to the jihad effort. [Never mind the constitution that declares Islam as its ideology. As to our nation’s constitutional obligation to Islam and its not being represented in the electoral results, how do you know that the fundamentalists (translated Muslims) represent a minority viewpoint? Everybody knows how the elections are conducted. Besides, when did the PPP and Muslim League while asking for votes say to the people that they are secular (anti-Islam). Let them say it in the coming elections of they have guts].


·         The liberal elite clamor for becoming a regional power. [Liberals and the desire for making Pakistan a power – you must be kidding. Ideologically, liberals are inclined towards India and against Islam. If there is a liberal who wants Pakistan to be a power, then he is not a liberal. He should search his heart – maybe he is a Muslim.]


The Method Employed by the News


The whole piece is an exercise to flush out Islam from the body politics of our state so that it becomes enfeebled and India dominates it. The writer himself admits “only an ideologically motivated force (like jihadis) could … fight on the icy cliffs of Kargil.” If Islam is that powerful, it must be good for Pakistan. Second, make the establishment fight and eliminate those who love their ideology and the people.


Question to Dr. Mansur Ejaz & The News?


If Pakistan is “all bad” and the military establishment is “all failure” then why does the country still stand?

Farrukh Saleem of the News Calls Pakistan as a “Collective Failure”



This piece is another classic example of the News’ anti-Pakistan themes:


·         Supporting the Kashmiri cause in light of the UN resolutions is a “heap of hollow slogans”


·         On the basis of this “expert opinion” Kashmiris have sacrificed their lives for nothing


·         Pakistan only has poverty, illiteracy and malnutrition? (then why stay here Mr. Farrukh Saleem?)


·         Pakistan is a bad country? (no wonder we have bigots like Farrukh Saleem!)


·         Kashmiri Muslims should not join their brothers in Pakistan


Contradictions for Mr. Saleem’s Creampie!


Farrukh Saleem says: “Has anyone asked the Kashmiris whether they really want to become Pakistanis?”


How can the Kashmiris’ wish be known? Let them vote. Pakistan’s stand is to allow them the right of self-determination as agreed by the world community. That is asking Kashmiris.


But the News and its team of writers are opposed to the implementation of the UN resolution and so is India – what a coincidence for the “esteemed” newspaper


Taunting Pakistanis of “Has anyone asked the Kashmiris…” is a typical secular mindset. All that the News wants is to let Kashmiris suffer under India or if there is a chance of their becoming part of Pakistan, it should deflect into an independent Kashmir.


The News’ ultimate aim is to deny Kashmir to Pakistan create hatred for Kashmiri cause and obviously polarize the nation.

Zia Mian of the News Deems Pakistan’s Nuclear Assets As “Incalculable Human Tragedy”



This piece is a repetitive reflection of the News’ anti-Pakistan themes:


·         The News admits that there is an unprecedented national consensus on the nuclear issue, but it would like to break it.


Does the News think that it is wise than 140 million Pakistanis?


·         The News wants to have a social security paradigm. Somebody should ask it why surety is there to enjoy social security without a defense umbrella?


·         Dr. A. Qadeer Khan is a subject of insults and butts because he is the father of our nuclear bomb. If he is not a role model, who? The junkyard owners of the secular press??? Or perhaps fashion models, singers, and gays that these secularists would like to have as a party of their family?


Would someone gag the News? Or do we continue to tolerate the sick faces of the secular media barons in the prestigious APNS settings?


Why are the journalists so quiet about the News’ hatred towards everything that Pakistan stands for?


Would the Patriotic Journalists stand for the News or for Pakistan’s Nuclear Program?

Amber Rahim of the News – Drive for Peace (Piece!!!)



Once again a classic piece by the secular News with the same pro-India sickness is visible here again. The drive is consistent; the statements are contrived “no animosity…long quest of people wanting to cross,” with an intent to engineer a confederation with India.


Furthermore who deems the “self proclaimed” human rights activist as the representative of Pakistani people. Would Amber Rahim clarify about what gives Asma Jahangir the authority to speak on behalf of the Pakistani people?


Another message that is given to the outside world is the notion that some Pakistanis are fundamentalists, sword in hand, ready to fight a jihad against all non-Muslims… so foreign powers be wary of Pakistan…!!!

Moonis Ahmar Wants Pakistan To be Declared As a “Rogue State”



·         The News often comes up with articles that invite mischief for Pakistan


·         The preceding write-up laments the fact that the Security Council and the Group of Seven (G-7) did not impose sanctions on Pakistan for its nuclear explosion


·         The paper also cries out loud why Pakistan was not declared as a rogue state


Can any Pakistani believe in this kind of infidelity, inviting foreign powers to punish one’s own nation?

The News Wants the “Ridiculous Border” Removed!!!



This is another piece in line with the News’ agenda to undo Pakistan


·         Here again the border between Pakistan and India is being undermined by the adjective “ridiculous”


·         The readers are asked to “change” the border with a “passion”


·         Peter Boyb, as his name suggests, is a foreigner and is obviously working for India. What was the compulsion to publish this anti Pakistan piece?


The only reason is that it is consistent with the News agenda of demolishing Pakistan


The News Wants the “Barriers At The Border” to be Removed!!!



What does the write-up show?


·         The border between Pakistan and India is artificial


·         The Indian soldiers are pro-human, Pakistani soldiers are vicious


·         Indians thin “we” are one


·         Pakistanis are keen to be friendly towards Indians by they are not allowed


·         Pakistani nationhood does not exist: it is the “solid and determined faces of the jawan” that give them the reassurance of being independent


·         The “birds are the luckiest…” is a contrived statement and the person quote is no less than fictitious


Another salute to our secular press! One can see the secular press serving Indian cause of absorbing Pakistan into Indian Union.


Amber Rahim of the News Calls to Remove the Pakistani Identity!



This piece is no less than a conspiracy against Jinnah’s Pakistan

There is a large photo spread over most of the page in the News with Indian women sitting with their traditional round mark (tilak) on their foreheads. There are 203 additional pictures showing a handful of Pakstani (?) women dancing before the Indians. But the News by half a page write-up and three colored pictures turns it into a great regional event. In such exercises the method is to exaggerate a simulated effort of a few deranged individuals into a historic moment. The preceding extract is the culminating note of a write-up.

Our press is engineering South Asian mentality, which is not there to begin with. But if, Allah forbid, such a confederal structure comes into being (thanks to our establishment’s indifference towards Pakistan’s security), it will benefit India, which will regain greater India at our expense.

Pakistan will be a fish in the belly of the whale!