Archive for the ‘Pro India’ Tag

Amber Rahim of the News – Drive for Peace (Piece!!!)



Once again a classic piece by the secular News with the same pro-India sickness is visible here again. The drive is consistent; the statements are contrived “no animosity…long quest of people wanting to cross,” with an intent to engineer a confederation with India.


Furthermore who deems the “self proclaimed” human rights activist as the representative of Pakistani people. Would Amber Rahim clarify about what gives Asma Jahangir the authority to speak on behalf of the Pakistani people?


Another message that is given to the outside world is the notion that some Pakistanis are fundamentalists, sword in hand, ready to fight a jihad against all non-Muslims… so foreign powers be wary of Pakistan…!!!

Friday Times’ Khaled Ahmed & V. S. Naipaul Call Pakistan “A Criminal Enterprise”



·         Friday Times agrees with Naipaul – a congenial hater of Muslims – that Pakistan is a criminal enterprise. If it had not, it would not have borrowed from Naipaul and captioned it as such


·         The journal agrees with Naipaul’s convoluted thinking and calls his testimony as faultless


·         Islam is barren [never mind the hypocrisy of our establishment and the secularists’ hate for it].


Why doesn’t the Friday Times tell his readers that during the past 53 yeas, exception allowed, Islam haters were in power. That Pakistan’s shrinkage took place because of the secular parties – PPP and Awami League who conspired together to cause it.

The News Wants the “Ridiculous Border” Removed!!!



This is another piece in line with the News’ agenda to undo Pakistan


·         Here again the border between Pakistan and India is being undermined by the adjective “ridiculous”


·         The readers are asked to “change” the border with a “passion”


·         Peter Boyb, as his name suggests, is a foreigner and is obviously working for India. What was the compulsion to publish this anti Pakistan piece?


The only reason is that it is consistent with the News agenda of demolishing Pakistan


The News Wants the “Barriers At The Border” to be Removed!!!



What does the write-up show?


·         The border between Pakistan and India is artificial


·         The Indian soldiers are pro-human, Pakistani soldiers are vicious


·         Indians thin “we” are one


·         Pakistanis are keen to be friendly towards Indians by they are not allowed


·         Pakistani nationhood does not exist: it is the “solid and determined faces of the jawan” that give them the reassurance of being independent


·         The “birds are the luckiest…” is a contrived statement and the person quote is no less than fictitious


Another salute to our secular press! One can see the secular press serving Indian cause of absorbing Pakistan into Indian Union.


Amber Rahim of the News Calls to Remove the Pakistani Identity!



This piece is no less than a conspiracy against Jinnah’s Pakistan

There is a large photo spread over most of the page in the News with Indian women sitting with their traditional round mark (tilak) on their foreheads. There are 203 additional pictures showing a handful of Pakstani (?) women dancing before the Indians. But the News by half a page write-up and three colored pictures turns it into a great regional event. In such exercises the method is to exaggerate a simulated effort of a few deranged individuals into a historic moment. The preceding extract is the culminating note of a write-up.

Our press is engineering South Asian mentality, which is not there to begin with. But if, Allah forbid, such a confederal structure comes into being (thanks to our establishment’s indifference towards Pakistan’s security), it will benefit India, which will regain greater India at our expense.

Pakistan will be a fish in the belly of the whale!


Jang Group Sings Pro Indian Tunes in support of United India!!!



This clipping is a real masterpiece by the Pro-Indian Jang Group


·         Even after 50 years of Pakistani nationhood the newspaper talks about British India – a concept long thrown away into the pit


·         View Pakistan’s future as linked with India, as if it has no future of its own. Yes, create a mentality of dependence, blame Pakistan for your problems


·         United India would have been a great power


·         The British colonists carved out Pakistan


·         The nawabs, jagirdars and moneyed classes made it happen (this is the Marxist world view faithfully applied to the Pakistani context by the Jang Group!)


Pakistan On The Even of New Millenium – Najam Sethi’s Pro Indian Speech

Najam Sethi’s Speech in India

Fault Lines Exposed!!!

What does Sethi’s Speech in India Say?

Islam is a false ideology and so is the Muslim consciousness. The Ideology that matters is economy.

Sethi gives advice to India: don’t flex your muscles against Pakistan as you will get a similar response. If you want a great power status in South Asia, integrate your economy with Pakistan. Once it becomes dependent, you can eat the whole hog.

The Clear and the Manifest

Both points are interlocked making a sly formula for finishing Pakistan. The underlying concern is the Muslim consciousness, which seeks space for expression and hence  geographical and political independence. Muslim consciousness is thus antagonistic to merger with non-Muslim (secular) consciousness. So what should be done? Sethi offers solution: substitute Islamic consciousness with economic consciousness. Pakistanis will loose drive as an independent people and will get lost in the India continent.

Second, Sethi wants India to discard the warpath with Pakistan because that arouses the fighter in the Pakistani psyche. Instead, he suggests the route of economic integration. A Pakistan dependent on India will be unable to resis or fight back.

Sethi received a lot of flak from the Pakistanis on calling Pakistan a failed state. But neither ISI, which hosted him in the comfortable surroundings of Islamabad, not the Nawaz government, which was settling score with him on personal grounds, bothered to read his infamous speech in India. Sethi’s speck was a recipe for eliminating Pakistan. He could have been sentenced to 8 years in prison under section 123-A Pakistan Penal Code. But who cares! The courts are concerned about their contempt and the politicians about their projection in the print media, as if all else is banality. Their attitude almost says “Hell to Pakistan!”

Urdu Khabrain Relates Pakistan As A Tragedy

Source: Khabrain (Urdu), January 30, 2001


The Secular Urdu Press in Pakistan has also taken up the responsibility of abusing the freedom of speech. The above article printed in the famous urdu newspaper Khabrain spills over the pro_indian themes while degrading Pakistan and its existence.


·         The writer above abuses the creation of Pakistan and deems it as the “greatest tragedy in human history.”


·         According to him Quaid e Azam committed the mistake of separating Pakistan from India


·         The partition did not affect Muslims because they were not able to differentiate between slavery and freedom


·         Pakistan did not give anything to the Muslims except for the sufferings


·         Whatever the Pakistanis have right now could have also been if we (Pakistanis) were not separated with India


·         The Mogul rule of India was no less than “Catharsis” for the people of the subcontinent


·         The history of Pakistan is replete with bloodshed, plundering and looting


This column attempts to create the artificial image of the confederation of Pakistan and India. There is no reason why this article was published in an Urdu newspaper in Pakistan except for creating revulsion against Pakistan’s ideology and history.


How can this be tolerated by the government authorities in Pakistan remains unanswered.

Jang Urdu Refuses to Accept Pakistan As A Reality!!!

Source: Jang Urdu 25 January 2001

The above excerpt from the daily Jang (Urdu) is a classic example of how some Pakistani newspapers are involved in subversive activities against the state’s constitution.




The article implies


·         There should be no boundaries between India and Pakistan


·         Pakistan and India share the same culture therefore the boundaries are meaningless


·         There is a lot of freedom in India [However Jang refuses to elaborate on how “free” this freedom is. In fact any comment against India is tried under the TADA laws.]


The above piece was deliberately published on the main pages to ensure maximum readership!

BJP Realises that they Cannot Ignore the Muslim Vote – Newsline

And with the Ayodhya and Kashmir issues on the boil – both seen intrinsically as much ideological issues as political ones – a Muslim from Uttar Pradesh who strikes a fine balance between his religious identity and his country with dexterity, and one who has the benefit of both, makes for good audio-visual interview material.

“India’s secularism is extremely strong. I Have lived in this country all my life. I have interacted with the people of the country …after all look at me and my constituency. Muslims constitute only 20 per cent of its population; the remainder are Hindus, but they voted for me.”

By Saira Irshad Khan

Source: Newsline February 2001


·         Newsline interviewed Saleem Shervani an Indian member of the Parliament, incidentally a Muslim


·         Why should Newsline be interested in an Indian politician? A patriotic Pakistani newsman would like to see Shervani talk bad of India as the Indian journalists make Pakistanis say bad things about their country. But no, here the intention was to make India look good in the eyes of the Pakistanis – a project that the Newsline has taken upon itself.


·         Besides, it is part of Pakistan-merge-with-India campaign to talk positively about Indian secularism. It suits all the more if an Indian Muslim praises India…