Archive for the ‘Amber Rahim’ Category

Amber Rahim of the News – Drive for Peace (Piece!!!)



Once again a classic piece by the secular News with the same pro-India sickness is visible here again. The drive is consistent; the statements are contrived “no animosity…long quest of people wanting to cross,” with an intent to engineer a confederation with India.


Furthermore who deems the “self proclaimed” human rights activist as the representative of Pakistani people. Would Amber Rahim clarify about what gives Asma Jahangir the authority to speak on behalf of the Pakistani people?


Another message that is given to the outside world is the notion that some Pakistanis are fundamentalists, sword in hand, ready to fight a jihad against all non-Muslims… so foreign powers be wary of Pakistan…!!!

Amber Rahim of the News Calls to Remove the Pakistani Identity!



This piece is no less than a conspiracy against Jinnah’s Pakistan

There is a large photo spread over most of the page in the News with Indian women sitting with their traditional round mark (tilak) on their foreheads. There are 203 additional pictures showing a handful of Pakstani (?) women dancing before the Indians. But the News by half a page write-up and three colored pictures turns it into a great regional event. In such exercises the method is to exaggerate a simulated effort of a few deranged individuals into a historic moment. The preceding extract is the culminating note of a write-up.

Our press is engineering South Asian mentality, which is not there to begin with. But if, Allah forbid, such a confederal structure comes into being (thanks to our establishment’s indifference towards Pakistan’s security), it will benefit India, which will regain greater India at our expense.

Pakistan will be a fish in the belly of the whale!