Archive for the ‘Dr. Mansur Ejaz’ Category

Dr. Mansur Ejaz of the News Defaces Pakistan’s Military By Calling Military Sacrifices “Fictitious Rhetoric”


This is a classic example of the News’ anti-Pakistan tirade:


·         Pakistan is a repressive nation [in what sense? What rights it has withheld. Pakistan’s problem is that it tolerates sedition disguised as the freedom of press. For example, the News allows such garbage against Pakistan and the armed forces, while its publisher and the editor are still sage. So much for freedom!]


·         It has no right to ask the world to honor its pledge to the Kashmiris’ right of self determination. [translated Kashmir must not accede to Pakistan]


·         Armed forces are a sham


·         State ideology is compensation to the fundamentalist support to the jihad effort. [Never mind the constitution that declares Islam as its ideology. As to our nation’s constitutional obligation to Islam and its not being represented in the electoral results, how do you know that the fundamentalists (translated Muslims) represent a minority viewpoint? Everybody knows how the elections are conducted. Besides, when did the PPP and Muslim League while asking for votes say to the people that they are secular (anti-Islam). Let them say it in the coming elections of they have guts].


·         The liberal elite clamor for becoming a regional power. [Liberals and the desire for making Pakistan a power – you must be kidding. Ideologically, liberals are inclined towards India and against Islam. If there is a liberal who wants Pakistan to be a power, then he is not a liberal. He should search his heart – maybe he is a Muslim.]


The Method Employed by the News


The whole piece is an exercise to flush out Islam from the body politics of our state so that it becomes enfeebled and India dominates it. The writer himself admits “only an ideologically motivated force (like jihadis) could … fight on the icy cliffs of Kargil.” If Islam is that powerful, it must be good for Pakistan. Second, make the establishment fight and eliminate those who love their ideology and the people.


Question to Dr. Mansur Ejaz & The News?


If Pakistan is “all bad” and the military establishment is “all failure” then why does the country still stand?