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Urdu Khabrain Relates Pakistan As A Tragedy

Source: Khabrain (Urdu), January 30, 2001


The Secular Urdu Press in Pakistan has also taken up the responsibility of abusing the freedom of speech. The above article printed in the famous urdu newspaper Khabrain spills over the pro_indian themes while degrading Pakistan and its existence.


·         The writer above abuses the creation of Pakistan and deems it as the “greatest tragedy in human history.”


·         According to him Quaid e Azam committed the mistake of separating Pakistan from India


·         The partition did not affect Muslims because they were not able to differentiate between slavery and freedom


·         Pakistan did not give anything to the Muslims except for the sufferings


·         Whatever the Pakistanis have right now could have also been if we (Pakistanis) were not separated with India


·         The Mogul rule of India was no less than “Catharsis” for the people of the subcontinent


·         The history of Pakistan is replete with bloodshed, plundering and looting


This column attempts to create the artificial image of the confederation of Pakistan and India. There is no reason why this article was published in an Urdu newspaper in Pakistan except for creating revulsion against Pakistan’s ideology and history.


How can this be tolerated by the government authorities in Pakistan remains unanswered.