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Jang Group Goes Out On Valentine’s Day



This campaign for free sex in the disguise of a news item is a favorite exercise of some of our newspapers.


The whole piece is false! For example how did the writer know that “millions” of lovers celebrated Valentine Day in Pakistan?


This is engineering a social situation which is nonexistent in our society. A tiny minority may be practicing the same but that does not justify its place in a daily newspaper.


Bringing up a Pakistani girl’s marriage with an American is mischievous. The message is to go beyond the group and feel free to enjoy anything. Second, it is all right to marry or have sex with foreigners.


Jang Group Sings Pro Indian Tunes in support of United India!!!



This clipping is a real masterpiece by the Pro-Indian Jang Group


·         Even after 50 years of Pakistani nationhood the newspaper talks about British India – a concept long thrown away into the pit


·         View Pakistan’s future as linked with India, as if it has no future of its own. Yes, create a mentality of dependence, blame Pakistan for your problems


·         United India would have been a great power


·         The British colonists carved out Pakistan


·         The nawabs, jagirdars and moneyed classes made it happen (this is the Marxist world view faithfully applied to the Pakistani context by the Jang Group!)


Shehzad Amjad of the News Rapes Pakistan’s “Historical Catastrophe”



In this piece, the News writer carries his theme to absurdity. Doubtless, when someone has “foreign” cause to serve, sensitivity and fairness are last.


True! Pakistanis are not angels (the world is neither) but magnifying an isolated incident of a one-year old child’s sexual abuse as “nation-state that continues to exist in a ridiculous time warp” and “fed with total lies” is simply indicative of a sick psychotic mindset which has lost its sense of humanity and proportion. Only pro-Indian bigots and fanatic Indophiles like Shehzad Amjad and the News’ editorial staff can do a thing like this.


His other concern is how to safeguard the image of RAW as a decent Samitarian, harmless even helpful to Pakistan. What is RAW and what it has been doing, he should read Brigadier Tirmidhi’s Profile of Intelligence Agencies and Ashok’s Inside Raw.


What does the News aim at:


·         Demean Pakistan in the eyes of the readers by blowing up an individual incident over Pakistan’s ideology and history


·         Safeguard RAW’s image so that it continues its subversion (read: sectarianism, brutality, unrest, self doubt in the Pakistanis)


Shehzad Amjad & Shahzareah Hussain of the News Disemboweling The Two Nation Theory

“The Two Nation Theory Could Not Provide Honor, Dignity & Freedom To the Muslims of Subcontinent”

Shehzad Amjad and Shahzareah Hussain

Excerpt: Why did the Bengalis separate from Pakistan? Who is happy in Pakistan? Are the Baloch happy? Are the Sindhis happy? Are the Pakhtoons happy? Are the Seraiki happy? Are the Mohajirs happy? Do the ethno linguistic minorities feel happy or relieved? Are the religious minorities happy? Do Pakistan women feel secure or even respected? And are they equally treated? Was Pakistan made for the feudals, military generals or the Punjabi establishment?…In a hard talk conducted via email, Political Economy poses some of the thorniest questions and makes the controversial leader of  ‘Mohajirs’ respind like he has never done before.

(Source: The News, September 3, 2000)


This is a full page interview. Some questions are outrightly sinister and are formulated to get a desired response – in line with the News’ mindset – that is to finish Pakistan. For exampe read the following questions:

Q. What if the Mohajirs of urban Sindh fail to attain their rights in the next 7-10 years. Would MQM then try to organize a secessionist force? Some people in Karachi think that their city could, at some point, emerge as the Hong Kong of South Asia? Please comment.

Q. From a student leader at Karachi University who rode a Honda 70 in the late 1970s to a firebrand leader of the MQM living in exile in London, you have come a long way. Would you like to sehd some light on your dreams and aspirations as a young man and your experiences of injustic and exploitation that led you to form APMSO and later the MQM. Your party policies and programmes are overtly secular, but still you have chosen to give yourself a religious aura by becoming a ‘Pir Sahib.’ Why? Moreoever does your seeking exile in London imply history turning a full circle.? The leader of the younger generation of the creators of Pakistan going back to the capital of Great Britain. Does this not imply symbolically that the question has yet to be settled?

Besides the above, look at the caption, which negates Pakistan itself, and was picked up because it embraces the political philosopy of the News and its editorial staff. Unfortunately, they have become the foul mouthpiece of the secularist movement for the break up of Pakistan.

The News Reccomends To Move Forward In Pre Marital Relations



·         The letter-answer format, without carrying names, is a device to foster sex relations in teenagers


·         The style is empathetic by which emotional prodding is given to teenagers to go through the sex experience.


·         The advise-seeking girl wants to have a “more serious relationship” than mere love talk on the telephone [that is, a physical one] with a boy who is her junior.


·         In most of these responses, the advise-seekers are told to go ahead and do it. The rational is borrowed from the West – that is: you shouldn’t develop complexes; tell him or her that you are interested. Sentences like “be nice” with her or him are often sued in such letters [that is: don’t force it through]

The Pulse Pulls The Teeth For “Oral Sex”



Toothless French girls are used for oral sex. It is not only obscene but vulgar as well.


Exposing the Vulgarity of the Secular Press!!! –



·         This is perhaps the vulgarist of all such pieces that have become the staple diet of our English Journalism. Shamefully enough the piece gives a reflection of the sick minds of the editorial staff of Pulse.


·         The influence of the West’s feminist movement is obvious. Laurena Bobbit cut her husband’s vital part because he could not indulge in sex with her the way she wanted. The male organ is taken as a symbol of oppression against women: its severance from the male body is an emancipatory act for the women.


·         The writer scandalizes the couple by cooked up scenes that reflect extremely bad taste with least regards to others’ lives.


·         Worse, the piece savors it!




·         Sex is perhaps the only important aspect of life. Everything else is secondary.


·         People should flaunt moral norms for they stand in the way of free sex


·         Once this happens the family life will be unhinged from its moral grid, sweeping everything aside held dear and sacred.