Archive for the ‘Dr. Farrukh Saleem’ Category

Farrukh Saleem of the News Calls Pakistan as a “Collective Failure”



This piece is another classic example of the News’ anti-Pakistan themes:


·         Supporting the Kashmiri cause in light of the UN resolutions is a “heap of hollow slogans”


·         On the basis of this “expert opinion” Kashmiris have sacrificed their lives for nothing


·         Pakistan only has poverty, illiteracy and malnutrition? (then why stay here Mr. Farrukh Saleem?)


·         Pakistan is a bad country? (no wonder we have bigots like Farrukh Saleem!)


·         Kashmiri Muslims should not join their brothers in Pakistan


Contradictions for Mr. Saleem’s Creampie!


Farrukh Saleem says: “Has anyone asked the Kashmiris whether they really want to become Pakistanis?”


How can the Kashmiris’ wish be known? Let them vote. Pakistan’s stand is to allow them the right of self-determination as agreed by the world community. That is asking Kashmiris.


But the News and its team of writers are opposed to the implementation of the UN resolution and so is India – what a coincidence for the “esteemed” newspaper


Taunting Pakistanis of “Has anyone asked the Kashmiris…” is a typical secular mindset. All that the News wants is to let Kashmiris suffer under India or if there is a chance of their becoming part of Pakistan, it should deflect into an independent Kashmir.


The News’ ultimate aim is to deny Kashmir to Pakistan create hatred for Kashmiri cause and obviously polarize the nation.