Archive for the ‘Blowing Up Kashmir Issue’ Category

Dr. Mansur Ejaz of the News Defaces Pakistan’s Military By Calling Military Sacrifices “Fictitious Rhetoric”


This is a classic example of the News’ anti-Pakistan tirade:


·         Pakistan is a repressive nation [in what sense? What rights it has withheld. Pakistan’s problem is that it tolerates sedition disguised as the freedom of press. For example, the News allows such garbage against Pakistan and the armed forces, while its publisher and the editor are still sage. So much for freedom!]


·         It has no right to ask the world to honor its pledge to the Kashmiris’ right of self determination. [translated Kashmir must not accede to Pakistan]


·         Armed forces are a sham


·         State ideology is compensation to the fundamentalist support to the jihad effort. [Never mind the constitution that declares Islam as its ideology. As to our nation’s constitutional obligation to Islam and its not being represented in the electoral results, how do you know that the fundamentalists (translated Muslims) represent a minority viewpoint? Everybody knows how the elections are conducted. Besides, when did the PPP and Muslim League while asking for votes say to the people that they are secular (anti-Islam). Let them say it in the coming elections of they have guts].


·         The liberal elite clamor for becoming a regional power. [Liberals and the desire for making Pakistan a power – you must be kidding. Ideologically, liberals are inclined towards India and against Islam. If there is a liberal who wants Pakistan to be a power, then he is not a liberal. He should search his heart – maybe he is a Muslim.]


The Method Employed by the News


The whole piece is an exercise to flush out Islam from the body politics of our state so that it becomes enfeebled and India dominates it. The writer himself admits “only an ideologically motivated force (like jihadis) could … fight on the icy cliffs of Kargil.” If Islam is that powerful, it must be good for Pakistan. Second, make the establishment fight and eliminate those who love their ideology and the people.


Question to Dr. Mansur Ejaz & The News?


If Pakistan is “all bad” and the military establishment is “all failure” then why does the country still stand?

Farrukh Saleem of the News Calls Pakistan as a “Collective Failure”



This piece is another classic example of the News’ anti-Pakistan themes:


·         Supporting the Kashmiri cause in light of the UN resolutions is a “heap of hollow slogans”


·         On the basis of this “expert opinion” Kashmiris have sacrificed their lives for nothing


·         Pakistan only has poverty, illiteracy and malnutrition? (then why stay here Mr. Farrukh Saleem?)


·         Pakistan is a bad country? (no wonder we have bigots like Farrukh Saleem!)


·         Kashmiri Muslims should not join their brothers in Pakistan


Contradictions for Mr. Saleem’s Creampie!


Farrukh Saleem says: “Has anyone asked the Kashmiris whether they really want to become Pakistanis?”


How can the Kashmiris’ wish be known? Let them vote. Pakistan’s stand is to allow them the right of self-determination as agreed by the world community. That is asking Kashmiris.


But the News and its team of writers are opposed to the implementation of the UN resolution and so is India – what a coincidence for the “esteemed” newspaper


Taunting Pakistanis of “Has anyone asked the Kashmiris…” is a typical secular mindset. All that the News wants is to let Kashmiris suffer under India or if there is a chance of their becoming part of Pakistan, it should deflect into an independent Kashmir.


The News’ ultimate aim is to deny Kashmir to Pakistan create hatred for Kashmiri cause and obviously polarize the nation.

Arrows of Separation – Anees Jillani The Continues to Spew Hate Against Pakistan



The following themes are obvious:


·         Independence (partition) caused tragedies


·         It accuses the armed forces of raping woman in former East Pakistan

Whatever injustices are done today are because of the partition


·         Had there been no Pakistan there would have been no Kashmir problem either


Underlying Message


Undo partition and there will be no killings – even of the Christians. The pre 1847 paradise named “British India” should be resurrected for the secularists to enjoy and crush Muslims.  

Shehzad Amjad of the News Refers to Pakistan as a “Contradiction” and “Psychological Non-Existent”



The shaded passages say:


·         Pakistan is finished


·         It is psychologically non-existent


·         It suffers from crises because it is a “state of non-being”


·         Had it been a genuine state, it would have had no problems.


·         And since it is “non-existent,” its map can be redrawn


The News’ writer visualizes Pakistaniat (Pakistan and Pakistanis) as contradiction [translated: Marxism]


Shehzad Amjad of the News Wants Kashmir Out of Pakistan!!!



The above passages openly say


·         Kashmir does not belong to Pakistan


·         Pakistan is a bad dream. Why would the Kashmiris opt for Pakistan?


·         Bangladesh is the result of Pakistani exploitation (never mind the Indian aggression)


Who is Shehzad Amjad to decide for the Kashmiris that they should not join their Pakistani brothers?


What moral grounds he has to make judgment on Pakistan? Is he not parroting the Indian theme being sold to Kashmiris?


·        All told, what is bad about Pakistan. Is it not a fact that Pakistan is one of the three democracies in the Muslim countries?


·         That Pakistan has a higher per capita income in South Asia


·         That Pakistan enjoys better health, food and lifestyles than any other nation in South Asia


·        That Pakistan has worked relatively harder for Muslim unity and given support to Muslim causes all over the world. Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan is one of the most cherished moment for humanity.


·         That the Pakistan despite economic downturns is big on compassion for fellow Muslims all over the world.


·        That Pakistan has supported the oppressed all over the globe – financially, morally, and even militarily


·         That Pakistan is a nuclear power with budding missile technology


Shehzad Amjad may not know it because of the Indian blinders on his eyes, but the Kashmiris can see for themselves because they have thrown away their’s. He also does not know because of his secular orientation that nations and their aspirations are not always measured in material terms nor are the material considerations the prime over of important historical events. Kashmiri Muslims and Pakistani Muslims are one in Islamic Brotherhood.


It is a real shame to see a majority of the journalists of our country being ignorant about the News’ anti-Pakistan and Pro-Indian agenda?


Shehzad Amjad Calls Pakistan’s Claim to Kashmir as “Dehumanized”!!!



The embossed passages reveal a disturbing mindset


·         It seeks to derail the Kashmir issue by taking it out of the United Nations’ purview.


·         It aims at divesting the Kashmiri issue of a legal basis provided by the UN resolutions.


·         It preempts Pakistan from helping the Kashmiris


·         It makes fund of our historic consciousness, of our self-respect and pride as a people in the stream of history


·         It does not believe in the Muslimness of the Kashmiri and Pakistani people, their cognate nature of oneness


·         Pakistanis suffer from “aimless delusion of grandeur” [Never mind the tautology of empty-headed combination of “aimless delusion”. Delusion being an insane state of mind has no aim or aimlessness].


·         Worse, it is a shameless effort at alienating Kashmiris from Pakistan by telling the that the community they wish to join stands “discredited” in terms of its ideology.


·         Pakistan is a “morally backward” nation [because of Islamic morals]


·         Pakistan’s ideology is a “collective psychosis bred by incessant propaganda of an authoritarian [military] and scheming [security agencies] establishment]  


·         According to Shehzad Amjad’s dim-witted hypothesis, a country’s ideology can stand “discredited” because the majority of the people are considered to be the “poorest of the poor” – never mind the ideology of the countries that are below Pakistan in terms of poverty…what about them Mr. Shehzad Amjad?


All other peoples have the right to strengthen themselves by coming together but not the Muslim peoples of Pakistan and Kashmir.


One wonders’ who is footing the bill for Shehzad Amjad’s lousy ruses?


Shehzad Amjad of the News Hits Hard on the Kashmir Issue



One may call this piece appalling but that still would be euphemism: if its purpose was to degrade our nationhood and to denounce the Kashmiri Muslims struggle for self-determination, then certainly it has accomplished it. For example, read Amjad’s question to Nandy, “Would you like to draw a parallel between Kashmir and Karachi?” The question is incongruous to the theme of the interview which deals with development. But Amjad would like to put it in his mouth so that he could abuse us. Amjad calls him “the Socrates of modern (?) India.” Here is what Mr. Socrates says: “Kashmir is a pathology produced by the denial of rights to the Kashmiris. “ Meaning thereby, it is an in-house problem which has nothing to do with brutalizing the Kashmiris, raping their women, burning their houses, and killing their youths. Also it has nothing to do with the Indian occupation of a foreign land.

But it is on Karachi that Amjad’s “Socrates” pours out his venom, revealing his distorted sense of reality and his heritage of hatred for Pakistan.


“Karachi,” says he, :”is a product of South Asia’s pathetic search for building perfect nation states in the region. In the sense that Mahajirs were uprooted by the dream of an ideal nation-state which never came.”


Amjad should have called off the interview at this point, but why should he let the occasion go if it can be used to degrade his people further. He asks Nandy, “how do you see the future of Jinnah and Gandhi?” Nandy thinks “Jinnah was a modernist and Gandhi was a counter modernist.” But after having said that, Nandy true to his Indian biases prefers Gandhi as “relevant to the future of South Asia.”


M. H Askari of the daily DAWN Calls Pakistan’s Ideology as “Invented”



This piece is a typical case of selling foreign ideas to the Pakistanis. The suggestive line of thought, “de-ideologization” calls for the following


·         Divest Kashmir of its historical setting


·         Forget about the Muslim identity of the Kashmiris as well as yours


·         Do not mention the UN resolutions


·         De-ideologization also means:


·         Dehumanizing the Kashmir case


·         Stripping it to a real-estate piece


·         Abandoning the Muslim world view


So the ultimate question is – whom does this “brilliant idea” serve?


Media Infidelity at Its Best – Exposing The News International


The News asks insultingly, “Do we have the moral legitimacy to demand the accession of Kashmir to Pakistan?” In the News’ view human conditions in Pakistan are not good enough for the Kashmiris to join it. Equating Pakistan with India on the Kashmir issue is equally sinister.

BJP Realises that they Cannot Ignore the Muslim Vote – Newsline

And with the Ayodhya and Kashmir issues on the boil – both seen intrinsically as much ideological issues as political ones – a Muslim from Uttar Pradesh who strikes a fine balance between his religious identity and his country with dexterity, and one who has the benefit of both, makes for good audio-visual interview material.

“India’s secularism is extremely strong. I Have lived in this country all my life. I have interacted with the people of the country …after all look at me and my constituency. Muslims constitute only 20 per cent of its population; the remainder are Hindus, but they voted for me.”

By Saira Irshad Khan

Source: Newsline February 2001


·         Newsline interviewed Saleem Shervani an Indian member of the Parliament, incidentally a Muslim


·         Why should Newsline be interested in an Indian politician? A patriotic Pakistani newsman would like to see Shervani talk bad of India as the Indian journalists make Pakistanis say bad things about their country. But no, here the intention was to make India look good in the eyes of the Pakistanis – a project that the Newsline has taken upon itself.


·         Besides, it is part of Pakistan-merge-with-India campaign to talk positively about Indian secularism. It suits all the more if an Indian Muslim praises India…