Archive for the ‘Anees Jillani’ Category

Arrows of Separation – Anees Jillani The Continues to Spew Hate Against Pakistan



The following themes are obvious:


·         Independence (partition) caused tragedies


·         It accuses the armed forces of raping woman in former East Pakistan

Whatever injustices are done today are because of the partition


·         Had there been no Pakistan there would have been no Kashmir problem either


Underlying Message


Undo partition and there will be no killings – even of the Christians. The pre 1847 paradise named “British India” should be resurrected for the secularists to enjoy and crush Muslims.  

Owner Going Abroad – Anees Jillani of the News Going Overboard!



The news is waging a continuous war against Pakistan. Be it two-nation “theory” or the name Islamic Republic, it never let an occasion go to ridicule them.


Contrary to this negative hopeless Pakistan’s image, see the following item from the News. Which even when it comes to beauty pageants describes India in bold letters as the emerging superpower. The mischief is patently obvious glamorize India with special effects




The stray souls of the News do not know that the two-nation theory is a proven ground reality, not a theory. Nor do they know perhaps that the reality known as two nations means Muslim and Kafir.


Would someone rescue Jinnah’s Pakistan from the News?


Gripping About Prayers! – Anees Jilani Spews Out Hatred

by Tarik Jan

Anees Jilani’s article “Keep religion out of sports” March 2, 1999 really beats me: it is full of brash judgments, wise cracks, and untruths. Added to this, he comes up with three major themes in a 9 x 8 inch space starting from cosmology of his impressive recent “astrophysicists conference in the United State” to inconsequential prayers, and religious wars. For sure, humbleness does not stick in his case.

I tried my best to find linkage between his three themes, but it left me cheerless. If there is a string running through them, it is hate-for-religion. And that is pathetic.

His use of the “new-found” cosmology is problematic. First, the Western science uses it in support of the view that if the universe is ever expanding, then it is timeless. This runs into serious problem: it will conflict with the second law of thermodynamics which says, among others, if entropy is always increasing, time must be finite. Modern data allow us to assume that the solar system in years to come may loose its light leaving the earth in complete darkness. A denouement of the secularists’ everlasting world!

Second, there is no Creator behind this cosmology for the creation is self-propelling, self-creating. But Jilani like the politicians (e.g. Benazir for one), whom he rightly hates, puts God into it which is a contradiction in such kind of cosmology.

Third, his view of our humanity as “tiny, scrawny” is again the product of a Godless cosmology which implies that humans do not matter in the vast expanse of the universe — they are on their own with none to listen to them. Cruel it may be but this is a crafted message he is giving to the readers.

This may be a news to him but for us Muslims, the “worst off in the world”—Jilani’s words — the concept of an ever-expanding universe is not new. The Qur’an said it through the mouth of the illiterate Prophet:

The heaven, We have built is with power.
Surely, We are expanding it.
                                                         Sura 51:47

But unlike his secular metaphysics based on the astrophysicists’ cosmology, the same Qur’an also says that the world will be wrapped up one day:

When the heaven is cleft asunder,
when the planets are dispersed,
when the seas are poured forth,
And the sepulchers are over turned,
A soul will know what it has sent
before (it) and what left behind.
                                                         Sura 82: 1-5

Obviously his article is another example of double speak. His God, as opposed to the compassionate God of Islam who listens (sura 16: 30), won’t respond to our prayers because if He does, Indians will be at the bad end of the bargain.

Jilani also brings up the issue of bloodletting religious wars because he has to support his not-so-hidden-thesis of discrediting religion. Pathetic it may be, he ignores the fact that more people have been killed in non-religious wars than other’s. The two World Wars took a toll of 102 million people for territories and consumer markets. Racial hate cost the lives of more than 5.8 million Jews in Nazi Germany alone during the 1940s. Class conflict and the resultant reason-based scientific socialism gave a killing rate of 15 million people in former Soviet Union. Besides, was it a religious fanatic who threw nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? In two days alone, Americans killed 200,000 people in Hiroshima and 74,800 in Nagasaki. And who was this religious-driven monster who carried out 109,876 sorties on Iraq and droppend 88,000 tons of bomb on its armless people during the Gulf war?

Maybe what prompted him to write was the “wrong message” that our cricketers unwittingly gave to the youth. What could be a greater affront to a secular mind than the sight of the sajdah-making role-modelers — the modern-day icons of a secular society—giving religious expression to their win. Yes, it is a terrible waste of the secular yak-yak that our press pours out daily. Prayers in sports is an awful symbolism, a dated concept that disturbs the secularists’ comfort.

To cure his likes, one may suggest they watch the video clipping of Chaghi’s May 28, 1998 nuclear explosion and hear the chants of Allahu Akbar (Allah is Great) from the mouths of our modern educated nuclear scientists. A terrible waste of all the scientific education — isn’t it? But this is the way it will be.

Eat your heart out, Jilani!!!